January 12

Mission Briefing

Hello Agents,

I’m very happy with everyone’s enthusiasm and energy in these winter days. We have some fun and important activities this week. I look forward to seeing what everyone can create.

Here are your objectives this week.

  • Spelling: We will work on Spelling list M2 this week and have the test on January 18.
  • Language Arts: We will finish our personal story about our break and start a novel study.
  • Math: We will start learning about how to measure length with meters and centimeters.
  • Social Studies: We will learn more about oral story telling through a Sto:lo hunting story.
  • Science: We will create a display of what we have learned about thermal energy.
  • Bible: We continue our Bible scavenger hunt.
  • Art: We will paint a snowy scene of a creek and tree that shows perspective.

Homework: I have updated the homework page with the skills students need to practice every day.

Important Reminders

  • The number of students beginning to show up prior to 8:45 is beginning to strain our supervision staff. Please wait until 8:45 to drop students off if you are able.
  • January 15 Knight Day
  • January 20 Jersey Day
  • January 22 Half Day, Knight Day