Last week of School
It’s the last week of school before Christmas break. I hope we can end the year off well and have a great, relaxing break before the new year.
On Thursday, December 15, we would like to have a Christmas party and gift exchange. Please bring a gift that costs no more than $5. Students have volunteered to help out with the following snacks.
- Cups
- Sophia M
- Kesler
- Drinks
- Emma
- Jediah
- Russell
- Tristan
- Chips
- Zack
- Hendri
- Caleb
- Deserts
- Cody
- Chrissy
- Emily
- Mattea
- Cindy
Water bottles
There has been some confusion about water bottles, so I would like to explain the situation. Water bottles are not allowed on tables while using chromebooks due to potential damage from spills. After a particularly bad water bottle spill that ruined student classwork, I asked that students keep their water bottles off the tables either in their locker or on a nearby shelf or other surface. If they need a drink from a bottle out of reach, they can get one during independent work or during breaks.
If that is too long to go without a sip of water, I have let everyone know that I will find a spot for them to sit where they can keep their water bottle within arm’s reach. Due to continued complaints, we have come up with a compromise where students can make or have someone help them make a cup holder attached to the table leg of their chair. It would also be possible to clip a water bottle to a leg bar support under the table if the bottle has that function.
I am open to further compromises, but please be aware that water bottles on tables have created problems.
Last Chapel
Kesler | Emma | Chrissy | Tristan | Cody | Lily |
Emily | Cindy | Evangeline | Mattea | Samuel |
Important Dates:
December 10 Christmas Movie Night
December 14 Christmas Sweaters Day
December 15 Christmas Party, $5 gift exchange
December 15 Intermediate Christmas concert 6:30pm
December 16 Last day of school before Christmas Break
Mission Briefing
I love how the Christmas decorations that students put up look. We also had some visitors help us with our writing last week.
This week we will be learning about angles and how to write personal stories about events. Ask our agents to tell you a story to see if they can include some interesting details with language that helps the story flow.
Please make sure to email me at to set up a time to talk if you would like to connect or if you have any questions.
On Dec. 8, we have Pay to Wear Casual Day to support the missions trip. Please bring $2 if you would like to wear casual clothes.