September 12

Mission objectives for week two

Math: Learning about multiplication through arrays (objects found in columns and rows to make stacking and counting easier).

Science: Discovering how and why we classify objects (to help us organize and identify objects).

Language Arts: Reading poetry and understanding the effect of rhythm, rhyme, and flow in language.

Social Studies: Reading maps and understanding our location in the country and world.

Bible: Learning how to honour God with our heart, character, thinking, health, and compassion for others. Mark 12:30-31.ApplicationStudents will pick up on these concepts more quickly if they notice them in situations at home and everyday life.

This week students will be looking for:

Arrays to discuss in math, example: egg cartons, buttons on a phone.

Ways that our lives are more organized when objects are categorized, example: grocery store aisles.

Methods of making language pleasant, example: song lyrics.

Maps that help us understand our location: city, province, country, and part of the world.

What it means to honour God with our heart, character, mind, health, and compassion for others.