April 21

Writing Assignment – Personal Narratives: Narrowing a Topic


Note: if you don’t want to print off the packet, you can find a PDF marking tool or simply redraw the page however you want, like a poster. Otherwise, complete this activity on the second half of page on Coming up with good story ideas.

Today we are going to learn to narrow our story ideas to a small moment or a seed.

  • Read the two stories in Birthday and think about the following questions.
    • Which story has more detail?
    • Which story is easier to see in your mind?
  • Look at some examples in the “Narrowing a Topic to a Seed Story” section of the Packet Examples.
  • Complete the Narrowing a Topic chart in your Personal Narrative Writing Packet by narrowing the topic for each story idea that you generated in Generating Ideas lessons.
    • Write the big idea of your story under the watermelon.
    • Write a slice of that idea under the watermelon slice.
    • Write a seed of the idea under the watermelon seed.
  • Share with someone in your family how you narrowed down your favourite story idea.